Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Um...1 week? Hooray?

{~*~*~*~ ANNIVERSARY ~*~~*~}
{*~*~*~*~*~*CLARIUS B.!*~*~*~*~*~*}
————/_________________\ ————

Yay! 1 week! ASCII art! I'm original!

Anyways, I think today's thought will be....

Composition confusion? Odd way to phrase it, but I'll work with it.

I personally know next to nothing about putting together photographs. I get that there are some lines dividing a picture into 9, or whatever. Beyond that, it's currently a mystery. But I've been watching some of my photographically inclined friends. And boy does it look weird in person. They keep on fiddling with things. And particularly, people start to look oddly contorted. But the photographs look really cool! I just don't get it. I'll have to get someone to show me. *shrug*

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