Sunday, August 10, 2008

Laughing out loud is overrated

Nothing much to do with what I'm a write, but I like amusing titles. Habit, I suppose.

Well, I just find it fascinating(My recent word of choice) what people do simply for amusement. Case 1: Kris Wilson, artist for Cyanide and Happiness.

He only actually draws for C&H for fun, 'twould seem. I think. I can't really be sure, as I can't find a bio, but that's what I'm assuming, since when I see his non-C&H stuff, he calls it his "serious art."

He really is quite a fantastic artist, with mucho symbolism and everything (something which is very odd for me), but he draws stick figures for (apparent) fun. Well then. Yeah. I'm out of thoughts already.

Hope you enjoyed the parentheses!


PS - Sorry if you're confused by me only occasionally writing -Gabe at the end. It's always me. I'm just silly that way.

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