Monday, January 5, 2009


Exercise:10 minutes jogging. You know what, screw cardio. I have done no strength or flexibility in way too feakin' long.
Voice:Philo! I can haz a CD, too!
Reading:Midsummer work. I really need to get hardcore with that memorizing.
Description(if above 89):Basically, I just did a whole lot o' shit.

So, I sorta feel like going on a curse-filled rant, but not really. Basically, I just realized that this marvelous journal I started over the summer (separate from this blog) has been neglected for months now. And I should really get back in the habit of using it.'Twas basically a brief SOC for the day, or just a description. In fact, I'm gonna go do that right now. My me place. Where I have 0 fear of being judged.

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