Thursday, December 18, 2008


Exercise:15 minutes of sprinting practice. That' 25 minutes spent running, not includin breaks. Biznatches.
Voice:Caling up n' down.
Reading:Workin' some on me Midsomer.
Description(if above 89):Well, I painted, and didn't get in anyone's way. So yeah.

Well, I have an idea for a play, but I shouldn't write it. I mean, share it. I SHould write it, just not here. Here's a poem instead.

Lustrous sheen 5 feet above
the classic concrete ground
Tight blue jeans and leather jacket
Best you'll see around

The pants help me reach higher notes
To woo absurdly thin girls
Two gangs, affairs, and bleachers
Grease is the word.

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