Exercise:I'm not sure anything I did today actually counts as exercise.
Voice:I'm working on Philo. Just got the practice CD.
Reading:Well, not Shakespeare, but I'm working on Stick River Road.
Description(if above 89):I kept cool and got a lot done while leading/teaching people. I feel accomplished.
I really want to go see the Colin & Brad show. I've been scrolling through WLIIA episodes, and it would be frickin' awesome to see it live, if possible. Even better would be if I could be part of it by being in the orchestra, and getting onstage. This is me. This is me fantasizing. Meow. So yeah. I'm gonna work on getting that money, while simultaneously saving a whole lot more money.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Exercise:Dashing about the halls all day long in between periods, then carrying Chelsea around.
Description(if above 89):I took every single picture today. Even with the uncooperative people. And they came out at least sorta well.
As much as people try to deny it, everyone's a bit sadistic. It's really quite universal. There is always some sort of pain that people like to watch. I mean, not always physical pain, but you know. The Schadenfreude Continuum. I wonder what that would be? Perhaps some sort of pilot episode for the latest Sci-Fi series.
Description(if above 89):I took every single picture today. Even with the uncooperative people. And they came out at least sorta well.
As much as people try to deny it, everyone's a bit sadistic. It's really quite universal. There is always some sort of pain that people like to watch. I mean, not always physical pain, but you know. The Schadenfreude Continuum. I wonder what that would be? Perhaps some sort of pilot episode for the latest Sci-Fi series.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Get outa my head!
Exercise:Worked up a pretty good sweat during soccer.
Voice:Philomusica. Need I say more? Oh wait. I just did.
Description(if above 89):I started the tracing going between my minions, Megan and Casey. Then, once that was under control, I went and started helping KP organize the costume loft. It is a hot mess up there.
What does "it's all in your head" mean? Well, most people use it to mean that something is not really there, but just because it's all in your head makes it unreal? Headaches are all in your head. Any number of other disorders are "all in your head." Insanity is all in your head. Hell, sanity is all in your head. So what does being "in your head" have to do with, well, anything?
Voice:Philomusica. Need I say more? Oh wait. I just did.
Description(if above 89):I started the tracing going between my minions, Megan and Casey. Then, once that was under control, I went and started helping KP organize the costume loft. It is a hot mess up there.
What does "it's all in your head" mean? Well, most people use it to mean that something is not really there, but just because it's all in your head makes it unreal? Headaches are all in your head. Any number of other disorders are "all in your head." Insanity is all in your head. Hell, sanity is all in your head. So what does being "in your head" have to do with, well, anything?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Exercise:Dashing about the school at high speeds for in excess of 20 minutes.
Voice:Practicing for Philo. People were watching me.
Reading:Experimenting with the new monologue.
Description(if above 89):Well, I kicked ass with painting today. We finished the parchment look, and we're now on to tracing which I must say,m I'm also rather good at.
Alas, we did not do a SOC today. We were a bit, um, preoccupied. Like, completely busy. Oh well. GOod weekends, everybody!
Voice:Practicing for Philo. People were watching me.
Reading:Experimenting with the new monologue.
Description(if above 89):Well, I kicked ass with painting today. We finished the parchment look, and we're now on to tracing which I must say,m I'm also rather good at.
Alas, we did not do a SOC today. We were a bit, um, preoccupied. Like, completely busy. Oh well. GOod weekends, everybody!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Exercise:Sprinting practice with Casey-Cat
Voice:Singing wif ma mommeh for a while. I dunno how long.
Reading:Workin' the monologue, yo.
Description(if above 89):We started work on the TS thing. SRR. I payed attention and helped, even though I didn't actually get to say anything. But 'twill happen. I know.
Hm. Drawing a relative blank today. I mean, wit the Teen Safety thing, I suppose I could talk about that, but I'm not entirely certain what I would say. Geez. Maybe I'll talk about how nervous I am about my play.
I am literally phobic of writing. Like, really. I don't even know why, but I guess that's what would define it as a phobia. I've already played out the situation multiple times in my head. What with the whole schedule and whatnot. I've given myself two weeks per draft, which sounds like it should be plenty, but I'm already halfway through week one and I'm little past naught. How can I expect to finish on time at this rate? I mean, I really like this idea, and I could talk for hours about it, but I can't write the goddamned play. And it's pissing me off. Like, I start writing, keep on thinking about the time, and panic. Even if it's 4 in the afternoon two weeks before it's due. I dunno. I need help, basically.
Voice:Singing wif ma mommeh for a while. I dunno how long.
Reading:Workin' the monologue, yo.
Description(if above 89):We started work on the TS thing. SRR. I payed attention and helped, even though I didn't actually get to say anything. But 'twill happen. I know.
Hm. Drawing a relative blank today. I mean, wit the Teen Safety thing, I suppose I could talk about that, but I'm not entirely certain what I would say. Geez. Maybe I'll talk about how nervous I am about my play.
I am literally phobic of writing. Like, really. I don't even know why, but I guess that's what would define it as a phobia. I've already played out the situation multiple times in my head. What with the whole schedule and whatnot. I've given myself two weeks per draft, which sounds like it should be plenty, but I'm already halfway through week one and I'm little past naught. How can I expect to finish on time at this rate? I mean, I really like this idea, and I could talk for hours about it, but I can't write the goddamned play. And it's pissing me off. Like, I start writing, keep on thinking about the time, and panic. Even if it's 4 in the afternoon two weeks before it's due. I dunno. I need help, basically.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I dun get it
Exercise:Running the 50 4 times
Voice:Practice for Philo
Reading:Figuring out what monologue I want to do. Took much talking it through.
Description(if above 89):89
Okay, I just totally do not get writing. Ms. Aladren gave us a whole lecture today, and the words made sense, but I can't figure out how to use the words she gave us. But that doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense what she's saying. Or something. Basically, I dun get it, and I really desperately want to.
Voice:Practice for Philo
Reading:Figuring out what monologue I want to do. Took much talking it through.
Description(if above 89):89
Okay, I just totally do not get writing. Ms. Aladren gave us a whole lecture today, and the words made sense, but I can't figure out how to use the words she gave us. But that doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't make sense that it doesn't make sense what she's saying. Or something. Basically, I dun get it, and I really desperately want to.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Leah Ross
Exercise:Running about with Chelsea on my back for 15 minutes, total.
Voice:I sang for quite a while, at other peoples' chagrin.
Reading:Carp. Eh!
Description(if above 89):Today we worked on Shakespeare and the globe. I payed attention, absorbed information through pseudo-osmosis, and played a major role in the making of the best Globe Theatre! Also, IPA is awesome.
Well, drops are scarily similar to Bob Ross paintings. I mean, short of the soft southern accent and freakish bass tones, it's the exact same sort of thing but on a magnified scale. Leah, our set designer, who is amazing, taught us what to do. We mixed up three colors, a cream, a yellow, and a brown, and we're scrumbling (applying in little x shapes, just as Bob Ross does) them together, then blending the edges lightly (a hair and some air). I mean, after that we're applying some painting spray, which bob ross does not generally do, but we water it down to pronounce things more, which he does. I dunno. It's just strikingly similar.
Voice:I sang for quite a while, at other peoples' chagrin.
Reading:Carp. Eh!
Description(if above 89):Today we worked on Shakespeare and the globe. I payed attention, absorbed information through pseudo-osmosis, and played a major role in the making of the best Globe Theatre! Also, IPA is awesome.
Well, drops are scarily similar to Bob Ross paintings. I mean, short of the soft southern accent and freakish bass tones, it's the exact same sort of thing but on a magnified scale. Leah, our set designer, who is amazing, taught us what to do. We mixed up three colors, a cream, a yellow, and a brown, and we're scrumbling (applying in little x shapes, just as Bob Ross does) them together, then blending the edges lightly (a hair and some air). I mean, after that we're applying some painting spray, which bob ross does not generally do, but we water it down to pronounce things more, which he does. I dunno. It's just strikingly similar.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Voice:My first rehearsal in Philo as a member. 1.5 hours of HxC awesomeness.
Description(if above 89):I have figured out most of the IPA. My main problem is with the S and Y sounds(s and j). But now I know what the problem is and can work toward solving them.
So, apparently I am wanted as Emcee in Cabaret. And my, but that would be a fun role. Oh, hi. I'm almost naked here. And rubbing my crotch everywhere. But whatever. You're a slut anyways, so deal with it. I'm your boss. And it may even be in my singing range! I'm rather excited. I should really read the play and see if Emcee is actually in my acting range, though. Plus, it should be a fun read.
Voice:My first rehearsal in Philo as a member. 1.5 hours of HxC awesomeness.
Description(if above 89):I have figured out most of the IPA. My main problem is with the S and Y sounds(s and j). But now I know what the problem is and can work toward solving them.
So, apparently I am wanted as Emcee in Cabaret. And my, but that would be a fun role. Oh, hi. I'm almost naked here. And rubbing my crotch everywhere. But whatever. You're a slut anyways, so deal with it. I'm your boss. And it may even be in my singing range! I'm rather excited. I should really read the play and see if Emcee is actually in my acting range, though. Plus, it should be a fun read.
Friday, September 12, 2008
SOC Fridays!!! Woo!
Exercise:Running the mile.
Voice:About 10 minutes of some scales and trills.
Reading:None, but I saw The Odd Couple at Villagers, which I will be writing a review about. About which I will be writing a review. Pardon my awfulness. :P
Description(if above 89):I have worked on my writing peice, which I am actually rather confident about. Also, see below.
Friday's are Stream of Consciousnesses!!!
polonium possibly preceding pacts of prostitution. Plombing protractors pilate porous prissiness.
Syzygy. What is tha again? Oh yeah. Celestial bodies aligning. I wonder what would really happen if that happened? Like, every planet aligning. I think it's impossible though. They hav varying orbits in many directions. Not just different shapes, different angles. Moronic melanoma. That sounds like a really stupid fruit in California. Milathnthropy. Is that like philanthropy? I really don't know. Provided prosperous polearms Polish pink partition pelican presenting pretentions pricks. Moo cow goes moo. Milk the butt. No, wait. Not the butt. The udder. Oh, as-cars. How I knew ye. The best part is, that almost sounds like NASCAR. Ass-car. NAScAAR. Butt race. The letters m and p are particularly present in my mind this morning. I'm not particularly certain as to why, but they are. Mayhaps it's beacusetw. *Or not. Or fail of moomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoo123123123123onetwothreeonetwothree123123123123moomoomoomoomoomoomoomoo articulatory agility is developing the ability to effortlessly and something or other. Tongue twister. I wonder if I can come up with one. Moondancing birds. That's not a tongue-twister, now is it. mOMoiniiniininnabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzywvutsrqponmljihgfedcba Did I get that right? I dunno. Moop. Matter out of place. Monthsoowowowowowowwoowowowowoowowowoooowowoowwowow. Massive ring i' th'ear. 'Twas painful. And it wasn't even in my infected ear. Which feels better, but still not great. I wonder howmany minutes have past. I didn't happen to notice what time it was when we started. Mrow. Maybe halfway there. For all I know it's only been 3 minutes. 10:16 at this very moment. LOL Oh, Megan. You're so Mormon. Badonkadonk, doo dooooo doo dood oo. paaAAAAAAAkkkokokokokokokokokcaps lock f jumped up to that asterisk there because of the damn touch pad.Adjust the chair. SIGH TO YOU TOO, EMILY. Bitch. Na, I love her. Even if she did ignore me in algebra two. Mrow. Fashionable prolonging of the tongue. Or neck., The do that. Fashionable enlargement of the........NECK. Not penis. Though I can't say I haven't thought about it. But nah. I'm not going to take pills for that. I have more important things to do. Like CASEY. What? Who said that? Tim sould be e's so asinaasdaslmdaback from vacation. He visited his scientist uncle in Timbuktu. H' I. FUCKING. Hate. THis touchpad.
Voice:About 10 minutes of some scales and trills.
Reading:None, but I saw The Odd Couple at Villagers, which I will be writing a review about. About which I will be writing a review. Pardon my awfulness. :P
Description(if above 89):I have worked on my writing peice, which I am actually rather confident about. Also, see below.
Friday's are Stream of Consciousnesses!!!
polonium possibly preceding pacts of prostitution. Plombing protractors pilate porous prissiness.
Syzygy. What is tha again? Oh yeah. Celestial bodies aligning. I wonder what would really happen if that happened? Like, every planet aligning. I think it's impossible though. They hav varying orbits in many directions. Not just different shapes, different angles. Moronic melanoma. That sounds like a really stupid fruit in California. Milathnthropy. Is that like philanthropy? I really don't know. Provided prosperous polearms Polish pink partition pelican presenting pretentions pricks. Moo cow goes moo. Milk the butt. No, wait. Not the butt. The udder. Oh, as-cars. How I knew ye. The best part is, that almost sounds like NASCAR. Ass-car. NAScAAR. Butt race. The letters m and p are particularly present in my mind this morning. I'm not particularly certain as to why, but they are. Mayhaps it's beacusetw. *Or not. Or fail of moomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoomoo123123123123onetwothreeonetwothree123123123123moomoomoomoomoomoomoomoo articulatory agility is developing the ability to effortlessly and something or other. Tongue twister. I wonder if I can come up with one. Moondancing birds. That's not a tongue-twister, now is it. mOMoiniiniininnabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzzywvutsrqponmljihgfedcba Did I get that right? I dunno. Moop. Matter out of place. Monthsoowowowowowowwoowowowowoowowowoooowowoowwowow. Massive ring i' th'ear. 'Twas painful. And it wasn't even in my infected ear. Which feels better, but still not great. I wonder howmany minutes have past. I didn't happen to notice what time it was when we started. Mrow. Maybe halfway there. For all I know it's only been 3 minutes. 10:16 at this very moment. LOL Oh, Megan. You're so Mormon. Badonkadonk, doo dooooo doo dood oo. paaAAAAAAAkkkokokokokokokokokcaps lock f jumped up to that asterisk there because of the damn touch pad.Adjust the chair. SIGH TO YOU TOO, EMILY. Bitch. Na, I love her. Even if she did ignore me in algebra two. Mrow. Fashionable prolonging of the tongue. Or neck., The do that. Fashionable enlargement of the........NECK. Not penis. Though I can't say I haven't thought about it. But nah. I'm not going to take pills for that. I have more important things to do. Like CASEY. What? Who said that? Tim sould be e's so asinaasdaslmdaback from vacation. He visited his scientist uncle in Timbuktu. H' I. FUCKING. Hate. THis touchpad.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Exercise:Running a mile in a good time with Casey.
Voice:Half an hour of practice for Philomusica
Reading:I hate you, Egeon. But I will figure you out. Even if it takes me a million more of these 20 minute sessions.
Description(if above 89):Today we did yoga with the dancers. I'm proud of myself for not overdoing any of the stretches, as I was so apt to do last year. Particularly the ones involving the calves. They've lost even more flexibility. But I didn't push it too hard. Also, I got better at getting out of my head on the whole impulse thing.
Okay, how do you tell if someone's going insane? Do the classic signs really work? I mean, if someone is talking to themselves and repeatedly gets very, very lost in thought, to the point of walking into trees, is that proof of insanity? Suppose, getting lost in thought just shows a spurt of intense reality. Or prophecy. Hm. Perhaps insane people see forever? I dunno. It's weird. I'll observe, see what happens. I'll intervene if it gets dangerous, I suppose.
Voice:Half an hour of practice for Philomusica
Reading:I hate you, Egeon. But I will figure you out. Even if it takes me a million more of these 20 minute sessions.
Description(if above 89):Today we did yoga with the dancers. I'm proud of myself for not overdoing any of the stretches, as I was so apt to do last year. Particularly the ones involving the calves. They've lost even more flexibility. But I didn't push it too hard. Also, I got better at getting out of my head on the whole impulse thing.
Okay, how do you tell if someone's going insane? Do the classic signs really work? I mean, if someone is talking to themselves and repeatedly gets very, very lost in thought, to the point of walking into trees, is that proof of insanity? Suppose, getting lost in thought just shows a spurt of intense reality. Or prophecy. Hm. Perhaps insane people see forever? I dunno. It's weird. I'll observe, see what happens. I'll intervene if it gets dangerous, I suppose.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Exercise:Somewhat incapacitated today.
Voice:About an hour of tongue twisters with Matt and Chelsea
Description(if above 89):

I swear. I just had nothing happen to me today, other than going to the doctor. I mean, theatre was fun, but I cannot think of a single thing. At all. Except for these words I am writing. I dunno. I guess pain is rather counter intuitive to creativity. But I know it isn't. Maybe i'm just a wuss. Quite possible.
Voice:About an hour of tongue twisters with Matt and Chelsea
Description(if above 89):

I swear. I just had nothing happen to me today, other than going to the doctor. I mean, theatre was fun, but I cannot think of a single thing. At all. Except for these words I am writing. I dunno. I guess pain is rather counter intuitive to creativity. But I know it isn't. Maybe i'm just a wuss. Quite possible.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Exercise:Um, sorta flaked on that today.
Voice:Practiced some of my music for Philomusica for around half an hour.
Reading:I worked my way through the first lines of Comedy of Errors, which took half an hour.
Description(if above 89):I managed to contribute to the historical discussion, and also worked a great deal on parsing MSND. I'm already beginning to get a better feel for who Lysander is.
Monks must lead very interesting lives. Or rather, how little they have to make their lives interesting. They mostly fit most of the prerequisites for being in solitary, and for resorting to their internal body clock. So, by all accounts, they should be going insane and working in 30 hour cycles. But they don't. They spend their lives writing, and meditating, and all of that. And I have not the slightest clue how they manage it. How do you spend your days copying texts, and being completely calm? How do they keep it from becoming boring? Or how do they deal with the boredom? I mean, I know there are other things they do, but some of those things are purely geographical. Like, only some groups do it. I dunno. I could go on for hours, and it would all sound the same.
Voice:Practiced some of my music for Philomusica for around half an hour.
Reading:I worked my way through the first lines of Comedy of Errors, which took half an hour.
Description(if above 89):I managed to contribute to the historical discussion, and also worked a great deal on parsing MSND. I'm already beginning to get a better feel for who Lysander is.
Monks must lead very interesting lives. Or rather, how little they have to make their lives interesting. They mostly fit most of the prerequisites for being in solitary, and for resorting to their internal body clock. So, by all accounts, they should be going insane and working in 30 hour cycles. But they don't. They spend their lives writing, and meditating, and all of that. And I have not the slightest clue how they manage it. How do you spend your days copying texts, and being completely calm? How do they keep it from becoming boring? Or how do they deal with the boredom? I mean, I know there are other things they do, but some of those things are purely geographical. Like, only some groups do it. I dunno. I could go on for hours, and it would all sound the same.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Exercise:A mile in gym
Voice:2 hour long audition for a choir. Which I got in to.
Reading:I did not, today.
Description(if above 89):I successfully managed to eliminate the majority of my nasaliness. Regardless of the status of being a word. But yes. I have maintained fairly good diction throughout the summer, and I managed to use it today, along with helping Desiree work on her breathing.
I have recently mused over the thoughts of what determines human versus animal. Conveniently, I got a description of Shakespeare today using very similar wording, It's actually the main theme of the story I'm writing for Friday. However, I'm taking a much more literal approach.
For a little while now, there has been research conducted on feral children. The classic story o a child being left in the wild and getting raised by animals. It really begs the question: Is who we are what makes us human, or who we are around? Apparently, when left to their own devices, children become something almost out of a Grimm fairy tale. What is it, really, that draws the line between human and animal? Or what really even makes the distinction? Where can we say that someone is human or animal?
Voice:2 hour long audition for a choir. Which I got in to.
Reading:I did not, today.
Description(if above 89):I successfully managed to eliminate the majority of my nasaliness. Regardless of the status of being a word. But yes. I have maintained fairly good diction throughout the summer, and I managed to use it today, along with helping Desiree work on her breathing.
I have recently mused over the thoughts of what determines human versus animal. Conveniently, I got a description of Shakespeare today using very similar wording, It's actually the main theme of the story I'm writing for Friday. However, I'm taking a much more literal approach.
For a little while now, there has been research conducted on feral children. The classic story o a child being left in the wild and getting raised by animals. It really begs the question: Is who we are what makes us human, or who we are around? Apparently, when left to their own devices, children become something almost out of a Grimm fairy tale. What is it, really, that draws the line between human and animal? Or what really even makes the distinction? Where can we say that someone is human or animal?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'll do it, damnit.
Exercise:10 mile bike ride in 45 minutes.
Voice:Practice for mini-concert on Saturday, apporx. 20 minutes
Participation:Not needed 'till Monday!
Description(if above 89):" "
Well, what happens when people are motivated in different ways? So far, I've found three versions, at least. There's simple motivation, which is simple but not easy. Then there's greed, which is probably the most common. However, this only works with the promise of a reward. And the one I'm currently working with, what I'll call "Underdog Effect." I screwed up in this class before. However, now that I have almost the same class, I'm out to be perfect in any way I can, just to prove people wrong. It's sort of the goal of impressing people, which I find works well for me. Any thoughts for my (very lonely) comments?
Voice:Practice for mini-concert on Saturday, apporx. 20 minutes
Participation:Not needed 'till Monday!
Description(if above 89):" "
Well, what happens when people are motivated in different ways? So far, I've found three versions, at least. There's simple motivation, which is simple but not easy. Then there's greed, which is probably the most common. However, this only works with the promise of a reward. And the one I'm currently working with, what I'll call "Underdog Effect." I screwed up in this class before. However, now that I have almost the same class, I'm out to be perfect in any way I can, just to prove people wrong. It's sort of the goal of impressing people, which I find works well for me. Any thoughts for my (very lonely) comments?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
And so it begins. Fo' realz, this time.
Exercise:I spent the entire day dancing around the school like a nut. Does that count as excercise?
Voice:I sing constantly, though nothing really formal this evening.
Participation:Well, I don't have to do this yet. So there.
Description(if above 89):It starts next week. The first week is technically free.
Well, school has officially started, which means that the original purpose of Clarius B. is about to come into play. Soon, tomorrow, even, I shall resume my acting training proper, and will have much more specific art-related thoughts flowing through my abnormally large skull. Things are about to get interesting. IN a good way, hopefully. And it will be awesome. So keep a look out! I'm about to get busy!!!
Voice:I sing constantly, though nothing really formal this evening.
Participation:Well, I don't have to do this yet. So there.
Description(if above 89):It starts next week. The first week is technically free.
Well, school has officially started, which means that the original purpose of Clarius B. is about to come into play. Soon, tomorrow, even, I shall resume my acting training proper, and will have much more specific art-related thoughts flowing through my abnormally large skull. Things are about to get interesting. IN a good way, hopefully. And it will be awesome. So keep a look out! I'm about to get busy!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yay! Um, Gah! Um, Shwa????
Exercise:Rebuilding part of a deck.
Description(if above 89):
So, isn't it funny how seemingly unrelated emotions blend together? In my case, excitement and fear. School starts tomorrow, as indicated by that timer at the bottom of the page. It's odd, since I know everything will be great. I wonder what odd emotional mixes there are?
Description(if above 89):
So, isn't it funny how seemingly unrelated emotions blend together? In my case, excitement and fear. School starts tomorrow, as indicated by that timer at the bottom of the page. It's odd, since I know everything will be great. I wonder what odd emotional mixes there are?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Stay. No, Leave. No...Wait. Damn.
Exercise:7 mile bike ride
Voice:Singing in the car with mom for an hour
Participation:N/A as of yet
Description(if above 89):N/A as of yet
So, how much more fun is it to do things alone than with people? Or vice versa? And so on?
I find I do exercise a lot better on my own. However, I have more fun singing in small groups. What makes different activities more fun in groups or alone? It's annoying me and confusing me, really. I don't know whether being in a group or alone will allow me to do better for stuff in general. Well, I suppose I"ll keep an eye out.
Voice:Singing in the car with mom for an hour
Participation:N/A as of yet
Description(if above 89):N/A as of yet
So, how much more fun is it to do things alone than with people? Or vice versa? And so on?
I find I do exercise a lot better on my own. However, I have more fun singing in small groups. What makes different activities more fun in groups or alone? It's annoying me and confusing me, really. I don't know whether being in a group or alone will allow me to do better for stuff in general. Well, I suppose I"ll keep an eye out.
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